【协进陶瓷】协进陶瓷协进陶瓷品牌专区 |
【xiejintaoci】2020-1-25发表: 协进陶瓷协进陶瓷品牌专区 协进陶瓷,以“精品承载幸福”为核心理念,在追求精品的道路上,“不完美,不止步”。注重新品研发,联合国内外专业产品开发机构,每季度都有创新产品面世。使用进口辊简印花设备,确保协进产品拥有丰富靓 作者协进陶瓷 协进陶瓷协进陶瓷品牌专区协进陶瓷,以“精品承载幸福”为核心理念,在追求精品的道路上,“不完美,不止步”。注重新品研发,联合国内外专业产品开发机构,每季度都有创新产品面世。使用进口辊简印花设备,确保协进产品拥有丰富靓丽的装饰效果。产品各项质量指标均优于或完全符合国家相关标准,并在国内率先开创“完全不透水”高档内墙砖大批量生产时代。目前,协进陶瓷的内墙砖产品已拥有逾百套花色品种,全部采用省级权威专家认证的国家专利bts不透水技术,规格从300x450mm、300x300mm、300x600mm到400x800mm一应俱全,配套完善,最大程度地满足工程、家庭厨卫及其它空间的广泛需求。12大系列抛光砖全部采用超强抗污的“高洁亮”技术,工艺精湛,规格齐全,是各大工程及豪华家居装修的首选产品。 作为广东协进陶瓷有限公司旗下知名优质品牌,协进陶瓷发展势头迅猛,在行业内首批获得iso9001国际质量管理体系认证,成为aa-信用企业,荣获中国驰名商标、中国质量500强、中国陶瓷行业名牌产品、中国人民解放军装饰协会推荐品牌、“中国陶瓷力量”十大亲和力品牌等荣誉称号。国家专利产品“完全不透水”高档内墙砖顺利通过国家级科技成果鉴定,产品自面世以来,广受消费者青睐,并被全国众多工程竞相采用,更出口远销至欧洲、中东、东南亚等国家地区,引领行业潮流。 为满足终端销售和大量工程客户的需求,协进陶瓷不断扩大生产规模,目前已拥有两大生产基地、四组国际先进的瓷片窑炉及整套抛光砖生产设备,完全自主生产,系行业内屈指可数的大型生产企业。 取法于上,仅得其中。取法上上,才能至优。协进陶瓷,与国际接轨,以高性价比产品参与市场竞争,以优质精品和竭诚服务为加盟商和消费者创造价值,致力于提升现代空间品质,营造精致幸福生活。 guangdong xiejin ceramics co., ltd. is located in zhaoqing city, guangdong province, one of the most famous places in china. it is a foreign investment enterprise which specializes in producing top level ceramic tiles. it was established in 2004. the company has advanced equipment and abundant capital and technical power. we are producing totally waterproof wall tiles and top grade ceramic polished tiles in all specifications. xiejin enterprises, not only inherits the development and auxiliary merits, but also integrates current technology and fashion in the ceramic industry . it is fixed in the development and production of new generation waterproof inkjet-printing wall tiles. xiejin having passed the management system certification of iso9001, authentication of product quality 3c, environment system certification of iso14001, xiejin has been successively regarded as achina well-known trademark. our international business started recently. our products have been exported to europe, australia, east asia, south east asia, north america…… over 100 countries and districts in the world with sales taking 30% of totals sales and accepted by many international purchasers. this shows its leading place in chinese architectural ceramics in global markets. in the future, xiejin is to continuously inherit chinese ceramic culture, innovating sustainably so to set good industry example and create international quality. it will be dedicated to achieving the dreams of designers and upgrading the life style of consumers. creating the first brand in china building ceramics industry, and making a new contribution to the chinese building ceramic industry. 联系方式: 广东省佛山市南庄华夏陶瓷博览城陶博二路七路荣业楼一楼 tel:13824628838 0757-85395188 fax:0757-85396652 生产基地:广东省肇庆市鼎湖区永安陶瓷工业园 tel:0757-85395188 fax:0757-85396652 协进陶瓷xiejintaoci相关"协进陶瓷协进陶瓷品牌专区"就介绍到这里,如果对于协进陶瓷这方面有更多兴趣请多方了解,谢谢对协进陶瓷xiejintaoci的支持,对于协进陶瓷协进陶瓷品牌专区有建议可以及时向我们反馈。 瓷砖相关 协进集团 协进 协进陶瓷 陶瓷器皿 陶瓷出口 陶瓷颜料 陶瓷产区 陶瓷厂 ,本资讯的关键词:协进陶瓷专区陶瓷品 (【xiejintaoci】更新:2020/1/25 8:13:25)